Instructions and Help

Proper Computer Settings Instructions
The computer settings document explains the computer settings that need to be in place when using the Learning Center. These settings allow your computer to communicate most effectively with the Learning Center, and update your training record with the proper completion statuses. There is also a section of the document that has some of the appropriate responses to the most common security warning messages that you may encounter.
NOTE: Please check with your Supervisor or IT staff prior to making any changes to your computer settings.


New Worker Introduction and Instructions
Please review these instructions for important preparation information prior to beginning the New Worker Training process.


Successful Online Learning
PTT has compiled a quick guide to help you have a successful online learning experience. View the PTT Virtual Learning Guide


The Learning Center Help Guide
The Learning Center Help Guide, a detailed instruction document on how to use the PTT Learning Center.


Technical Help
If you experience technical problems with the Learning Center, or have trouble accessing a course, please contact us:

PTT Registration Staff
Phone: (920) 424-1071