Resource Forms

Other Forms

Resource Websites

W-2 Transitions Engagement Strategies and the SSI Process

This webpage is a supplement to the W-2 Transitions Engagement Strategies, and the W-2 Case Management and the SSI/SSDI Process courses. Here you will find copies of all the forms and tools provided during these classroom sessions.

If you have not attended either training, you are welcome to use these tools but you may also be interested in attending the classes for further assistance with working with the W-2 T population. These classes cover program and service expectations, strategies for assessing alternative employment options for W-2 T customers, employment focused case management, and utilization of methods to support a disability application through W-2 participation. These courses may be accessed through the PTS Learning Center.


Resource Forms

The following forms were developed by Legal Action of Wisconsin and are used when they are providing disability advocacy services for a client. They may be more involved than a FEP may need, but provides a good launching pad to the key areas of concern and evaluation for common medical issues. 

These forms are all provided in Microsoft Word format so you may save them and edit them on your own computer.

Cardiac Impairment Medical Form

This form is utilized to gather specific physical abilities for patients with cardiac (heart) conditions.

Fibromyalgia Medical Form

Fibromyalgia is a difficult illness to diagnosis and to treat. This is an excellent and comprehensive functional capacity questionnaire that helps define a personal range of abilities with this illness.

Lumbrosacral Spine Medical Form

A form specifically for back issues.

Medical Assessment Form

A general medical assessment form when there is not a formal diagnosis.

Mental Abilities Form

A short, one-page assessment form to establish a person’s abilities.

Mental Functional Limitations Form

A concise evaluation form that identifies a persons limitations due to mental health conditions.

Mental Impairment Form

A more detailed mental functional capacity form.

Physical Residual Functional Capacity Form

A lengthy functional capacity questionnaire for a more generalized (non-specific diagnosis), physical evaluation.

SSI Advocacy Worksheet
The SSI Advocacy Worksheet was developed by Rock County Human Services as a tool to determine if SSI Advocacy was warranted for W-2 participants.

Other forms:
The remaining forms are blank copies of additional forms provided in the classroom training participant guide. These include:

Barrier Summary Sheet

Job Skills Worksheet

Activity Logs

Job Accommodation Network


Find Occupations

Skills Search

Code Connector



DOT Sites:

US Dept of Labor

Occupational Info


Disability Links

SSA Blue Book


Disability Info


National Institute of Mental Health


Department of Labor – Disability Programs


Disability Resource Site


On-Line Activities

PBS Literacy Link (Basic Skills, GED, and Workplace Essential Skills)

   Note: online is free, option to order VHS tapes and workbooks)


TV 411 – Adult Basic Skills on-line mini-courses (includes job skills)



DCF is an equal opportunity employer and service provider.  If you have a disability and need information in an alternate format, or need it translated to another language, please contact
 (608) 266-3400 or (866) 275-1165.
For civil rights questions call (608) 266-5335 or (866) 864-5485 (TTY).


Updated March 31, 2009
Bureau of Working Families
Website Contact: Mark Schmitt